Friday, August 21, 2009

Eight weeks

With Marlo out of town at her cousins' (thank you Amy, bless your heart) and Mark barely going in to work, you'd think I'd have a little time to post.

I don't know how much they weigh...I'd guess nine or ten pounds. They are in 0-3 month clothes now. (The top photo are the onesies you sent Aunt Di. Organic is better...soo soft) They are both cooing and smiling these days, so cute.

With eight weeks having passed, we should have feeding down better. They were on a schedule when they came home from the hospital, but as they've become more alert, it's kind of gone out the window. They just want to eat all the time and we can't remember who ate last and we're giving them a bottle or I'm nursing till no one's crying. Then it's time to sleep/do laundry/wash dishes until someone starts crying again.

I'm not sure that it gets any easier, I think you just get used to it.

I ran into a woman yesterday who had triplets, as well as a fourth YOUNGER child. I was exhausted just looking at her but she was functioning normally, out in public and smiling and everything. There's hope for me yet.

Graham on left, Cash on right


Graham, looking quite concerned


Anonymous GP John said...

Thanks for the info and wonderful photos. Glad to are having a little break. Love to all

8/21/2009 4:01 PM  
Blogger amynjosh said...

They make my heart melt! so precious! I have a feeling they look like Marks baby pictures...handsome fellas!

8/21/2009 4:26 PM  
Blogger Auntie Kelly said...

Graham looks very concerned about something? Maybe he's worried you'll run out of milk. They are the cutest ever. I adore them; so cute and I never doubted you could do it. you're an inspiration e-dogg. xoxoxox

8/21/2009 4:30 PM  
Blogger Auntie Di said...

Oh my..they are so cute...those chunky arms...I think Amy is right..they look like Mark..keep up the good work "G" girl!!

8/21/2009 6:02 PM  
Blogger Auntie Di said...

Per UB

They sure are cute..(and then he sang adorable)...and they look like they have personalities..

8/21/2009 6:09 PM  

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