Friday, May 25, 2012

Balboa Park, revisited

Since moving back, we have been doing all kinds of tourist-y things.  Seaport Village, the zoo, Coronado, the beach...and lots of Safari Park and Legoland of course.  We still need to hit up Old Town.

Anyway, Balboa Park is one of my favorite places.  It's full of museums and the most beautiful architecture and botanical gardens you could imagine.  We just walk around with the of these days we'll go to the science center or the Imax theater.

And my sister-in-law Ann's wedding reception was there so it holds a special place in my heart :)

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

6 years old!

Can't believe how fast the time goes. Our girl has been so excited for her birthday and loved the gifts we gave her today. We just did dinner out with our little fam tonight at Chevy's. They put a sombrero on her and sang and all that. When they were done she said, "Well THAT was weird". Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Doesn't Cash look fifteen in this picture?

Thursday, April 12, 2012


We went to Lane's and they went all out for the kids with an egg hunt at the park and a piƱata. So fun.

Graham loves to pose for photos.



Cash was just thrilled to be able to hit things with a stick. Marlo was in such a mad dash for all the eggs and candy I didn't get a good photo of her, bad mommy.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Summer's coming


Marlo and Graham were very serious about having their first fudgesicle of the year.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

October 23

was the three year anniversary of my dad's passing. My aunt, my sister, and my brother and I scattered his ashes at one of his favorite fishing spots.

It was what he asked us to do before he died. And I probably would have never done it unless my sister brought it up. I've made several excuses about not doing it sooner. The first one being my dad would never rush a thing because he liked to get everything "just right". It's why leaving early in the morning for camping meant two p.m. and his big breakfasts came around lunchtime. But when we camped, it was like a luxury vacation, and his breakfasts were legendary. You could choose your hash brown toppings and he had a bacon press...seriously.

But I was never trying to get anything just right. I was procrastinating. And if given the choice, I will avoid confronting anything emotional or painful for as long as possible. It even took me a month to write this post.

I drove with my sister and I hadn't been there in years, but somehow I knew the way. I felt like I was going to freak out any minute because it was just so big and so final. But as I watched my brother and my aunt get the boat into the water like they'd done a million other times, a great peace came over me.

It could not have been a more beautiful day. It was clear and warm and everything just seemed to glow. My brother took us out far as he and Aunt Di talked about how everything used to look and where their duck blinds used to be. Amy and I were never a part of that fishing and hunting stuff. We were such little girls, playing with Barbies. I loved hearing the details of it all.

My aunt brought her iPad and with the touch of a button, we heard "Danny Boy". She always remembers those things, like bagpipes at his memorial. My brother said a prayer. And everything was okay.

I am so grateful for my family. So grateful that these are the people that God has given me. That they are mine...not just for sharing a turkey or exchanging gifts, but in the hardest of times when I don't want to face anything, they are standing right next to me

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

We had a really fun Halloween. I wish I had a chance to take pictures in the daylight! Mark's mom made Marlo's dress and it turned out so beautiful.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

anybody there?

We got a new computer, a MacBook that I love. But I need to get a photo editing program for it and I don't know which one to pick. Any advice? I'm used to photoshop on my pc but I'm willing to try something new. I do love photoshop though...and I don't know if this old dog has any new tricks in her.
Just a few from what was on my camera. Graham in the chair at Fairytale town. The rest are from our trip to San Francisco a few weeks ago.


Thursday, September 08, 2011

Cash at the train museum

We went to one in Old Town Sac. The boys loved was almost too much for them ;)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

somebody's excited...


Marlo started kindergarten this week and she loves it, of course.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

these two

Marlo and her cousin Luke are the best of friends.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

doorbell ditching


Took this when we were in Tahoe for the fourth of July. We stayed at a beautiful house with the Henneseys and had so much fun.

*thanks everyone for the sweet comments on my last post. I appreciate the support. I know that it takes a village, and I've got the best village anyone could ask for :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

if you don't have anything nice to say...

don't say anything at all, right?

I haven't posted anything for awhile for that reason. It's too hard to pretend that everything's just fine when it's not. The truth is the twins have been so difficult with fits and fighting and refusing to sleep that all I want to do is throw a fit myself.

It's typical mom stuff I guess: exhaustion, isloation, frustration. But aside from the vacation and nanny and housekeeper we all need, I want things to change. I want to have fun with my kids. Show them new things and let them explore. But we're stalled by battles of getting into their carseats and keeping them off the counter. Grocery shopping is a monumental feat navigating a double wide stroller and a shopping cart. But if you can't get milk and diapers, you just can't move forward in life, I tell you.

Anyway, these are old pics of them "coloring". Thank goodness for washable and non toxic.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Graham and Cash are 2!

At 8 o'clock this morning, Mark pointed out that exactly two years ago they were trying so hard to breathe. It's amazing to think of all that they've been through and how far they've come.

Right now I'm thinking of how their preemie diapers being too big for them and how now they wear the biggest size they make. And no I'm not starting to potty train yet!

Their party was yesterday at a jumpy place and it was so much fun.


Monday, June 20, 2011

our girl

So it was a whole month ago that Marlo graduated from preschool, and I'm finally posting. Bad mommy. Can't believe she'll be in kindergarten in August, but she's sooo ready.


She loves her swim lessons and is learning so fast. I've always put her in group lessons but this time we did private. I'm amazed at the progress she's making.


Wednesday, June 01, 2011